ELIT Brand Electrochemical Sensors and Computer-based Instrumentation.
Innovative technology at highly competitive prices.

Last Update: 08 Jan 2018
Please send any comments, suggestions for additions, or discovery of dead links to:
Chris Rundle at nico2000ltd@btinternet.com

Note that items marked with " # " are originally valid links which have become unreliable and may now require further research to find the source material.

  • University / Academic sites (general chemistry or electrochemistry information)

  • Commercial sites (equipment, information, services)

    Papers, Articles, References about Ion-Selective Electrodes on the WWW

  • ISE Theory, Methodology and Development.
  • General Applications of ISEs
  • Applications and Methods for Specific Ions
  • Reference Electrodes

    BIBLIOGRAPHY (Books and Magazines - not on the WWW)

    Books : Ion Selective Electrodes

    Books : Applications of ISEs

    Books : Ion Selective Electrodes and Electroanalysis


    Recommended Reading


    University / Academic sites

    "Exists to maintain an international directory of chemistry on the internet".
    Based at Sheffield University, UK.

    National Measurement System Chemical and Biological Metrology Website
    "This website provides public access to the outputs of the NMS Chemical and Biological Metrology programme. The website also contains outputs from previous programmes such as VAM (Valid Analytical Measurement) and MfB (Measurements for Biochemistry) which preceeded the current Chemical and Biological Metrology programme."
    Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills

    Chemicool Periodic Table
    Provides information on any element of your choice. Including atomic number, density, melting and boiling points, electronegativity, and oxidation number. Also includes a chemistry calculator for unit conversion and use of the ideal gas law.
    Based at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA).

    C H P - the Chemistry Hypermedia Project
    "On-line resources for students, educators, and scientists."
    Based at Virginia Tech Chemistry Department (USA).

    Electroanalysis Journal
    " ELECTROANALYSIS is an international, peer-reviewed journal containing original research papers, short communications, critical reviews and details of forthcoming meetings, book reviews, and equipment news concerned with the development and applications of electroanalysis. "
    Editor in Chief: Prof. Joseph Wang, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, New Mexico State University, USA.

    E S T I R - Electrochemical Science and Technology Information Resource
    "This site contains general and varied information about electrochemistry".
    Co-hosted by Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

    #  I J C - Internet Journal of Chemistry
    "The peer-reviewed electronic journal for chemists" - For Subscribers Only.
    Free access to Table of Contents and Abstracts.
    "An InfoTrust Production"

    I S E - International Society of Electrochemistry
    Based in Lausanne, Switzerland.

    IUPAC - International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

    #  Links for Chemists
    "This index now lists over 7500 Chemistry resources on the WWW".
    Based at Liverpool University, UK.

    PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway
    "Aims to provide high quality Internet resources for students, researchers and practitioners in the physical sciences, specifically in: astronomy, chemistry, earth sciences, physics, and science history and policy."
    Managed by CALIM, the Consortium of Academic Libraries in Manchester, UK.

    Royal Society of Chemistry (London),

    S E A C - Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry
    "The Society, founded in 1984, is dedicated to: promoting advances in both basic and applied research in electroanalysis; providing a venue for the exchange of ideas among researchers from academia, industry, and government; and recognizing the achievements and contributions of scientists who work in the field of electroanalytical chemistry."

    Web Elements
    "Aims to be a high quality source of chemistry information on the WWW relating to the periodic table. Coverage is such that professional scientists and students at school interested in chemistry and other sciences will all find something useful."
    Based at the University of Sheffield, England.


    Commercial sites 

    www.sigmaaldrich.com Scroll down to find detailed descriptions of ISE membrane construction and operation.

    A S T M International (Formerly: American Society for Testing and Materials)
    Summaries of numerous standard methods for measuring, amongst other things, the concentration of various ions in water. Full text of all methods is available on payment.

    "The worldwide search engine for the chemical industry".

    "The world wide club for the Chemical Community".

    "The Web’s fastest, searchable database of technical products and services".

    "The premier information source for the Analytical Research industry".
    On-line magazine for all laboratory interests.

    "The first place to look for Scientific Equipment".

    Monitors HQ: " A categorized resource directory for everything about monitors".
    Mainly VDU's etc. but also medical and environmental monitoring systems.

    International catalogue of the manufacturers of analytical instruments, process analyzers and laboratory equipment - a very useful site. Not just Links to other websites, but hundreds of companies listed with detailed descriptions of product lines and technologies.


    Papers on ISE Theory, Methodology and Development

    Ion Selective Electrodes
    Excellent article on the basic theory of ISE analysis by Wojciech Wroblewski.
    In the Tutorials section of the website of Chemical Sensors Research Group,
    Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.
    From Analyte to Signal
    Very clear and succinct slide show on the manufacture and use of ISEs, ISFETs, and OPTOs; by Artur Dybko and Wojciech Wroblewski, on the same site as above.

    What is a Chemical Sensor ?
    Article on the website of Chemistry department of Ĺbo Akademi University, Finland (Click "Research" then "Electrochemical Sensors").
    See also Prosens - Centre for Process Analytical Chemistry and Sensor Technology

    The Theory of Ion Selective Electrodes
    By Prof. E Pungor, Technical University, Budapest, Hungary.
    In: Analytical Sciences, April 1998, Vol.4. - Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry.

    Recommendations for Nomenclature of Ion Selective Electrodes
    PDF file on IUPAC site (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) - gives exact definitions and details of all aspects of ISE measurement.

    #  Monographs for Teachers: Ion Selective Electrodes (pdf file).
    By Arthur Covington. In: Royal Society of Chemistry (London), Educational Techniques Subject Group.

    Buhlmann Group
    Numerous research papers on various aspects of ISE measurements - particularly:

    • (45) Selectivity Coefficients of Ion-Selective Electrodes.
    • (44) Selectivity of Potentiometric Ion Sensors.
    • (42) Cationic or Anionic Sites? Selectivity Optimization of Ion-Selective Electrodes Based on Charged Ionophores.
    • (41) Lifetime of Ion-Selective Electrodes Based on Charged Ionophores.
    Group headed by Dr Philippe Buhlmann, University of Minnesota, USA.

    CSRG - Chemical Sensors Research Group
    An excellent source of information on the theory and use of ion selective electrodes, ion sensitive field effect transistors and fiber optic chemical sensors.
    Run by Prof. Zbigniew Brzozka, department of Analytical Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland (in English).
    See also: Publication List for Dr Elzbieta J. Malinowska - mumerous papers on development of new ISE membranes (Title and Publisher only).

    #  Numerous references to ISE development and applications
    In publication list of Prof A Lewenstam, Stanislaw Staszic University of Mining and Metallurgy, Poland.

    #  Development of ion-selective electrodes and biosensors.
    A list of numerous publications (Title and Publisher only) by Prof Takashi Katsu and others, Okayama University, Japan

    #  Development of various Ion Selective Electrodes
    Several papers by Prof. Jae Sung Choi and others.(Title and Publisher only)
    Analytical Chemistry department, Kyungwon University, Korea

    #  Development of various Ion Selective Electrodes (2)
    Selected List of Publications by Prof Koji Suzuki and others (Title and Publisher only).
    Analytical Chemistry department, Keio University, Japan

    #   Development of thermodynamically defined solid contacts
    for polymer ion selective membranes and application of screen-printing technology for fabrication of miniature all-solid-state potentiometric sensors. Coordinator: S. ALEGRET, Universitat Autňnoma de Barcelona, Department of Chemistry, Sensors and Biosensors Group.
    In: Catalogue of INTAS projects, 1993-1995.

    Ionophore Design and Sensor Development
    Article by Prof. L. G. Bachas, University of Kentucky, USA.

    #   Ion Sensors using one-component room temperature vulcanised silicone rubber matrices.
    (Ionophores for K+, Ca++, H+, CO3--) Paper by In Jun YOON and others,
    Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 464, (1999), 135 - 142.

    Preparation of solid-state ion-selective electrodes with different membranes:
    Simple direct potentiometric methods for determination of metal ions (mercury(II), copper(II), iron(III), ...) or nonmetal species (thiourea, cysteine, N-acetylcysteine, ...).
    Main researcher: RADIĆ, NJEGOMIR (39595), Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry, Tehnološki fakultet, Split, Croatia.

    #  Selectivity Studies on Liquid Membrane Ion Selective Electrodes
    K. Srinivasan & G.A. Rechnitz, Anal. Chem., 1969, 41, 1203-1208.
    Principles of Selectivity Assessment
    Two .pdf files held on the website of Prof Charles Lucy,
    Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Canada.

    #  Synthesis of Tripodal Trifluoroacetopneone Derivatives
    and their Evaluation as Ion Selective Membranes. Prof. Kyo Han Ahn and others,
    Bulletin of Korean Chemical Society, 2002.

    #  Determination of Cocaine in Saliva using Ion Selective Electrodes
    Mathew C Kinney, the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, August 2002. Found on Washington Academy of Sciences website


    Papers on ISE Applications - not ion-specific.

    BME - Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem
    Summaries of and References to Numerous Articles by Gyorgy Horvai and others on the use and applications of ISEs. (in English)
    Department of Chemical Information Technology,
    Technical University of Budapest, Hungary.

    See also: http://www.ch.bme.hu/hun/tanszek/kit/horvai_publ_e.html

    #  Blood-Electrolyte Analysis
    Use of Ion-Selective Electrodes for Blood-Electrolyte Analysis:
    Recommendations for Nomenclature, Definitions and Conventions
    Clin. Chem. Lab. Med. 2000 38(4):363-370. (Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York)
    International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine.
    Working Group on Selective Electrodes. www.degruyter.de/journals/cclm/pdf/384_363.pdf

    #  Blood Electrolyte Analyser
    Memory Effects and Offset Potentials in Flow-Through, Ion-Selective Electrodes
    "Part of a project to develop a low-cost, portable blood electrolyte analyzer"
    Research paper by Stan Burden and John Baker, Chemistry Department,
    Taylor University, Indiana, USA.

    #  Calibration procedures for a halide Ion-Selective Electrode array Analusis, 1998.
    M. Baret (1), P. Fabry (2), D.L. Massart (3), C. Menardo (1) and M. Fraysse (1)
    1) Rhône-Poulenc Industrialisation, CRIT Décines, Décines Charpieu Cedex, France
    2) École Nationale Supérieure d'Électrochimie et d'Électrométallurgie de Grenoble,
    3) Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Laarbeeklaan 103, B-1090 Brussel, Belgium

    #  Development of High Performance Ion-Selective Electrodes for In Situ Measurements
    Thierry Le Goff, Jim Braven, Les Ebdon (1) and David Scholefield (2)
    1) Plymouth Environmental Research Centre, University of Plymouth, UK.
    2) Institute of Grassland and Environment Research, Okehampton , U.K.

    #  Flow Analysis Database @ UNF
    A huge data base of summaries of papers on ISEs and their use in Flow Analysis.
    Full text only available to registered users: Click here to register.
    Based at Univesity of North Florida, USA

    International Workshop on Sensors in Horticulture
    Hosted by I S H S - International Society for Horticultural Science.
    Acta Horticulturae 304.
    Scroll down page for abstracts of numerous articles on the use of senors in horticulure (full text available to ISNH members or on payment).
    Evaluation of the Performance of Ion Selective Electrodes in an automated NFT System
    - M. Heinen, K. Harmanny
    Sensors for Ion Control - An Approach to Control of Nutrient Solutions in Hydroponics (Ca, K, NO3) - T. Morimoto, H. Nishina, Y. Hashimoto, H. Watake.

    #  Ion-selective micro-electrodes
    Article on the theory, construction and use of ion-selective micro-electrodes for direct in-situ measurement of ion movements in plant physiology investigations.
    IACR - Institute of Arable Crops Research, Rothamstead Experimental Station, Harpenden, Herts, UK

    #   Metal Complexing Capacity by Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE)
    J F Gaillard, Northwestern University, USA


    Applications and Methods for Specific Ions

    Br; Ca, Cd, CO3, Cl, Cu, CN, F, I, Pb, Li, Hg, NO3, NO2, ClO4, K, Ag, Na, S, SCN
    NB: Click your browsers BACK button to return to this list after jumping to a particular ion.

    Ammonium ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)
    Procedures for aqueous solutions with and without significant K contamination.

    NB: Most published methods for ammonium use an ammonia gas-sensing electrode to measure the NH3 gas liberated after the sample has been treated with strong alkali. These electrodes require frequent replacement of the membrane and filling solutions.

    The ELIT ammonium electrode measures the NH4+ ion directly in solution and there is no need for any pre-treatment with caustic chemicals. The electrode is all solid-state, so there is no filling solution to be replaced, and the membrane is not damaged by the analysis and also does not need to be replaced.

    Ammonium Nitrogen Procedure
    Water Quality Data Collection Procedures at LEO - the Lehigh Earth Observatory.
    Based at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. 18015, USA

    #  Determination of Ammonium in Soil Extracts by Ion Selective Electrode.
    in Laboratory Manual of Dr William Roy at College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.

    Evaluation of Preliminary Distillation Prior to Ion Selective Electrode Determination of Ammonia in Municipal Water Effluent.
    Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene, University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA.

    #   Use of Barium ISE to measure Sulphate
    Gran's plot titration and flow injection titration of sulfate in ground and drinking water with a barium ion-selective electrode. Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry.
    Abstract Volume 350 Issue 10/11 (1994) pp 630-632

    Bromide ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)

    Determination of Bromide concentration with an Ion Selective Electrode.
    Dr Shane Phillips, CSU Stanislaus Science Web, Turlock CA. 95383, USA

    Cadmium ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)

    #  Picomolar free cadmium ions
    Flow injection potentiometric determination of picomolar free cadmium ions with a cadmium ion selective electrode, Eighth International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis, Orlando (US), 13 (1997)

    Calcium ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)
    Procedures for Animal Feed, Beer, Fruit Juice, Meat, Skimmed Milk, Soil, Water.

    Calcium and Water Hardness Procedure
    Water Quality Data Collection Procedures at LEO - the Lehigh Earth Observatory.
    Based at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. 18015, USA

    #  Calcium Ion Selective Electrode Simulation
    Simulation of the standard addition method for calcium determination by ion-selective electrode. Prof Tom O'Haver, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
    University of Maryland at College Park, USA.

    Measurement of Calcium Activity in Oral Fuids
    J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol., Vol 105, p.267 (2000).

    Calcium in tomato fruit cuticles
    Improving Calcium Penetration: Measurement and Factors Affecting Cuticular Penetration. Ohkouchi, Martin J. Bukovac, G. Noga, ISHS Acta Horticulturae 466:
    II Workshop on Pome Fruit. International Society for Horticultural Science

    Carbonate ion-selective electrode with negligible interference from salicylate
    Bobacka J., Maj - Zurawska M. and Lewenstam A., Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2001. In publication list of Analytical Chemistry Department of Stanislaw Staszic University of Mining and Metallurgy, Poland.

    Chloride ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)
    Procedures for Butter, Fruit Juice, Mayonnaise, Milk, Meat, Soil, Water.

    Chloride and Salinity Procedure
    Water Quality Data Collection Procedures at LEO - the Lehigh Earth Observatory.
    Based at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. 18015, USA

    #  Use of a chloride ion selective electrode as a tool for monitoring relatively fast kinetic processes. - Analusis, 2000, 28, 529-534.
    S. Pereira Rodrigues (1) - L. Coppée (2) - J. Toullec (1) - G. Moutiers (1)
    1) SIRCOB, ESA 8086 CNRS, Bâtiment Lavoisier, Université de Versailles,France.
    2) Centre d'Études du Bouchet, Vert-le-Petit, France

    Determination of chloride in sea water by ion selective electrode (ISE) using three measurement techniques
    In AnalChem Resources website, owned by Dhanlal De Lloyd, Chemistry Department, UWI, The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago ( http://delloyd.50megs.com/ ) .

    Chloride and Fluoride
    Determination of chloride and fluoride with ion selective electrodes.
    Petr Vanysek, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
    Northern Illinois University, USA

    COPPER (Cupric)
    Copper ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)

    #  Copper in Seawater
    Continuous Flow Methods for Measuring the Response of a Copper Ion Selective Electrode to Total and Free Copper in Seawater, Proceedings of the RACI 14th Australian Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, Adelaide (Australia), 228-232 (1997)

    Environmental Copper Analysis
    Web Poster prepared by Dr James Davis, Dr Huw Vaughan and Dr Marco Cardosi,
    Electrochemical Sensors Group, University of Paisley, UK.

    #  Potentiometric Measurements of Cu-ions Concentration
    Polymer Paste for Ion-selective Electrodes. Potentiometric Measurements of Cu-ions Concentration. Selim Achmatowicz, Malgorzata Jakubowska, Elzbieta Zwierkowska, (Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Wólczynska 133, 01-919 Warsaw) Robert Koncki, Lukasz Tymecki (University of Warsaw, Department of Chemistry, Pasteura 1, 02-093 Warsaw) Imaps Poland, Conference 2000

    Cyanide ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)
    Procedures for free CN and CN bound in heavy metal complexes.

    Effect of pH on the response of a cyanide ion-selective electrode
    M. Gratzl, F. Rakias, G. Horvai, K. Toth, E. Pungor:
    AnaI. Chim. Acta, 102 (1978) 85

    Fluoride ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)
    Procedures for Water and Plant material.

    International Society for Fluoride Research

    Fluoride Analysis using Ion Selective Electrodes
    Excellent laboratory notes, including much basic theory of ISE method, for conducting an experiment to compare the results obtained by Direct Potentiometry and Standard Addition methods. On the website of Dr R. N. Dominey, Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Richmond, Virginia, USA.

    #  Fluoride electrode
    Determination of Phenolic and Hydrazino Drugs With 1-Fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene
    Using a Fluoride-selective Electrode.
    Constantinos A. Georgiou, Associate Professor, Analytical Chemistry,
    Agricultural University of Athens, Greece.

    #  Fluoride in Bone Tissue
    Fluoride Intake, Distribution, and Bone Content in Diabetic Rats Consuming Fluoridated Drinking Water. I Boros, P Keszler, G Csikós and H Kalász, Budapest, Hungary.
    International Society for Fluoride Research, 1998.

    #  Fluoride in Coal
    The Determination of Fluoride in Coal by Ion Selective Electrode.
    Herbert Kirschenbaum. In: Methods for Sampling and Inorganic Analysis of Coal, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1823

    #  Fluoride in Tap Water and Saltwater Aquarium
    Determination of Fluoride with an Ion Selective Electrode - using standard addition method on samples of tap water and from a saltwater aquarium.
    Experiment 6 in Laboratory Manual of Dr J E Baur, Chemistry Department,
    Illinois State University, USA.

    Fluoride applications
    Analytical Laboratory notes. Dr Maja Ponikvar, Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubjana, Slovenia.

    Determination of Fluoride by ISE
    Detailed description and comparison of Direct Potentiometry versus Standard Addition method when measuring Fluoride in Toothpaste.
    On website of Dr Dhanlal De Lloyd, Chemistry Department, UWI, The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago AnalChem Resources

    Measurement of Fluoride in Drinking and Natural Waters
    Laboratory instruction manual found at: http://www.chem.usu.edu/~sbialkow/Classes/565/fluoride.html.

    Iodide ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)

    Measurement of Urinary Iodide Levels by Ion-Selective Electrode: Improved Sensitivity and Specificity by Chromatography on Anion-Exchange Resin
    Guy E. Abraham, MD, Jorge D. Flechas, MD and John C. Hakala, RPh, UCLA School of Medicine, USA.
    THE ORIGINAL INTERNIST, December 2004,

    #  Highly Selective Iodide Membrane Electrode Based on a Cerium Salen
    Mohammad Reza Ganjali and others, Tehran University, Iran
    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES, March 2002, Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry.

    LEAD (Plumbic)
    Lead ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)

    An evaluation of some commercial lead/II/-selective electrodes
    P. Kivalo, R. Virtanen, K. Wickstrom, M. Wilson, E. Pungor, G. Horvai, K. Toth
    Anal. Chim. Acta, 87 (1976) 401

    #  Lead(II) selective electrode based on Phenyl Disulphide
    Abdolkarim Abbaspour and Behnam Khajeh,
    Chemistry Department, Shiraz University, Iran.
    Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry. September 2002.

    #   Automated Ion-Selective Measurement of Lithium in Serum
    Practitioners Report - Accred. Qual. Assur. (2001)

    Mercury ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)

    #  SIMS characterization of a mercury chemical sensor in environmental waters
    Research project of the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering
    Chief Investigator: Dr Roland De Marco,
    Applied Chemistry, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia.

    Nitrate ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)
    Procedures for Water, Plants, Soil, Samples with high Chloride content, Samples with biological contamination.

    #   Nitrate
    Determination of nitrate ion levels in water samples by use of an ion selective electrode
    Department of Chemistry, University of Adelaide, Australia.

    Water Quality Data Collection Procedures at LEO - the Lehigh Earth Observatory.
    Based at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. 18015, USA

    Analysis of Nitrate in Plant and Water by Ion Selective Electrode
    Graduate Laboratory, College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (CAST), California State University, Fresno, USA

    Nitrite ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)

    Ion Selective Field Effect Transistor for Nitrite Determination in Flow-cell
    Wojciech Wróblewski and Zbigniew Brzózka, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

    Potentiometric Determination of Nitrite in Meat Products Using a Nitrite-Selective Electrode
    Ricardo Perez-Olmos and others, Escuela Universitaria de Ingenieria Technica Industrial, Bilbao, Espana. Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry, 1998.

    Potentiometric Determination of Nitrite in Aqueous Samples with an Ion Selective Electrode
    On the website of US Environmental Protection Agency

    Determining Nitrate and Nitrite Sequentially Using a Nitrite Ion Selective Electrode
    By Basil D. Washo; ; David Rich; Winston Davis.Courtesy of Morton College. Originally published May 2007. On www.environmental-expert.com

    Perchlorate ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)

    Perchlorate Screening Study:
    Low Concentration Method for the Determination of Perchlorate in Aqueous Samples Using Ion Selective Electrodes. This report was prepared by the US Army Corps of Engineers for EPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2001.
    NB: you must scroll down and select P from the drop-down box titled "Browse by the first letter", then click "Browse" for a summary. Then click "Download 420K / PDF" for full text.

    Potassium ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)
    Procedures for Water, Soil, Wine and Fruit Juice.

    A Conducting Polymer Based Solid-Contact Potassium Selective Electrode
    Do. P. Quan, Le T. Duan, Chu X. Quang, Pham H. Viet.
    Vietnam National University - Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry, 2001

    Silver ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)

    #  Silver Ion Selective Electrode Based on Calix[4]arene Methyl Ketonic Derivative
    Takaaki Shinohara and others, Saga University, Honjo, Japan.
    Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry, 2001.

    Potentiometric Determination of Silver in Process ECN Fixing Baths
    Kodak.com report ECN-0023-01: http://www.kodak.com/US/plugins/acrobat/en/motion/support/processing/h243/ecn0023-1.pdf

    #  Potentiometric Determination of Silver (I) by Selective Membrane Electrode Based on Derivative of Porphyrin
    Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Sciences December 2004, Vol 20.

    Sodium ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)

    #  Standardization of Sodium and Potassium ISE Systems.
    Procedure for Standardizing ISE results to Flame Photometry when used for blood plasma measurements. NCCLS document C29-A2.
    NCCLS "is a globally recognized, voluntary consensus standards-developing organization that enhances the value of medical testing within the healthcare community".

    Solid State Sodium Selective Sensors - testing for Cystic Fibrosis.
    BEST Centre (Biomedical and Environmental Sensor Technology).
    Based at DCU - Dublin City University, Ireland.

    Sulphate Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)

    Gran's plot titration and flow injection titration of sulfate in ground and drinking water with a barium ion-selective electrode.
    Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry.
    Abstract Volume 350 Issue 10/11 (1994) pp 630-632

    Sulfate-sensing electrodes: the lead- amalgam/lead-sulfate electrode
    (IUPAC Technical Report). Patrizia R. Mussini and Torquato Mussini, Department of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, University of Milan, Italy.
    Pure Appl. Chem. Vol. 74, No. 4, pp. 593-600 (2002)

    SULPHIDE (Sulfide)
    Sulphide ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)

    A Silver/Silver Sulphide Selective Electrode
    Paper by D. Dobcnik, I. Gros and M. Kolar, University of Maribor, Slovenia.
    In: Acta. Chim. Slov. 1998, 45(3).

    Thiocyanate ISE Specifications and Analytical Procedures (Nico2000.net)

    #  Highly selective thiocyanate membrane electrode
    based on a cadmium-schiff's base complex & A selective memberane electrode for thiocyanate ion based on a copper - 1, 8 - dimethyl - 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13- azacyclotetradecane complex as ionophore. Also several other papers on ion selective electrodes in list of publications by Masood Salavati Niasari, University of Kashan, Iran.

    Manganese Porphyrin Derivatives as Ionophores for Thiocyanate-Selective Electrodes
    and Graphite-Coated Membrane Electrode for Determination of Thiocyanate.

    In list of publications by Jafar Hossein Alizadeh-Khorasani,
    Esfahan University of Technology, Iran.


    The Silver/Silver Chloride Electrode
    An excellent description of the functioning of a reference electrode on the website of: corrosion-doctors.org. Sponsored by Matco Associates Inc.



    NEW: Recent Publications with sections on recent work on ISEs

    David C. Harris (2001) Exploring Chemical Analysis 2nd Ed.
    ISBN 0716735407

    Skoog, West, Haller & Crouch (2000), Analytical Chemistry, 7th Ed.
    ISBN 0030202930

    Garry D. Christian (1994), Analytical Chemistry.
    ISBN 0471305820

    1. Books : Ion Selective Electrodes

    1) K. Stulik, J Vesely : Advances in ISEs in J. Zyka : Instrumentation in Analytical Chemistry, Vol.1, Ellis Horwood, 1991.

    2) Y. Umezawa : Handbook of ISEs : Selectivity Coefficients, CRC-Press, 1990.

    3) E. Pungor : ISEs 5, Proceedings of the 5. Symposium on ISEs, Hungary 1988, Pergamon Press, 1989.

    4) E. Lindner, K Toth, E. Pungor : Dynamic Characteristics of ISEs, CRC-Press, 1988.

    5) T.R. Kissel : Potentiometry, in B.W. Rossiter, J.F. Hamilton : Physical Methods of Chemistry Vol. 2 : Electrochemistry, 2. edition, Ellis Horwood, 1986.

    6) E. Pungor : ISEs 4, Proceedings of the 4. Symposium on ISEs, Hungary 1984, Elsevier, 1985.

    7) R.P. Buck : Electrochemistry of ISEs, in Comprehensive Treatise of Electrochemistry Vol. 8 : Experimental Methods in Electrochemistry, Plenum Press, 1984.

    8) J. Koryta, K. Stulik : ISEs, 2. edition, Cambridge University Press, 1983.

    9) W.E. Morf : The Principles of ISEs and of Membrane Transport, Elsevier, 1981.

    10)K. Camman : Working with ISEs, Springer, 1979.

    11)K. Camman : Das Arbeiten mit ISEn, 2. Auflage, 1977.


    2. Books : Applications of ISEs

    1) K. Vytras : Contemporary Trends in the Use of ISEs in the Analysis of Organic Substances in J. Churacek : Advanced Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, Ellis Horwood, 1993.

    2) A.E. Greenberg, L.S. Clesceri, A.D. Eaton : Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste, 18. edit. American Public Health Association, 1992.

    3) T.R. Crompton : Analytical Instruments for the Water Industry, Butterworth, 1991.

    4) D. Midgley, K. Torrance : Potentiometric Water Analysis, 2. edition, Wiley, 1991.

    5) A. Ivaska et al. : Contemporary Electroanalytical Chemistry, Plenum Press, 1990.

    6) G.J. Shugar, J.A. Dean : The Chemists Ready Reference Handbook, Mc Graw-Hill, 1989.

    7) Y. Pomeranz, C.E. Meloan : Food Analysis, 2. edition, AVI (Van Nostrand Reinhold), 1987.

    8) R. Kalavoda : Electroanalytical Methods in Chemical and Environmental Analysis, Plenum Press, 1987.

    9) J. Havas : Ion-and Molecule-Selective Electrodes in Biological Systems, Springer, 1985.

    10) D.T.E. Hunt, A.L. Wilson : The Chemical Analysis of Water, 2. edition, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 1986.

    11) T.S. Ma, S.S.M. Hassan : Organic Analysis using ISEs, Vol. 1 & 2, Academic Press, 1982.

    12) V.V. Cosofret : Membrane Electrodes in Drug-Substances Analysis, Pergamon Press, 1982.

    13)H. Freiser : ISEs in Analytical Chemistry, Vol 1 & 2, Plenum Press, 1978-1980.

    14)J. Vesely, D. Weiss, K. Stulik : Analysis with ISEs, Ellis Horwood, 1978.

    15)P.L. Baily : Analysis with ISEs, Heyden, 1976.

    16)Fuchs : ISEs in der Medizin, Thieme, 1976.


    3. Books : Ion Selective Electrodes and Electroanalysis

    1) G.D. Christian : Analytical Chemistry, Wiley, 1994.

    2) J. Koryta : Principles of Electrochemistry, Wiley, 1994.

    3) C.M.A. Brett, A.M.O. Brett : Electrochemistry, Oxford University Press, 1993

    4) H. Galster : pH Measurement, VCH-Weinheim, 1991.

    5) H. Galster : pH Messung, VCH-Weinheim, 1991.

    6) Elsevier : Dictionary of Analytical Chemistry : English, German, French, Polish, Russian, Elsevier, 1990.

    7) H.A. Strobel, W.R. Heinemann : Chemical Instrumentation, 3rd edition, Wiley, 1989.

    8) B. Karlberg, G.E. Pacey : Flow Injection Analysis, Elsevier, 1989.

    9) J. Rusicka, E.H. Hansen : Flow Injection Analysis, 2nd edition, Wiley 1988.

    10) M. Valcarcel, M.D. Luque de Castro : Flow Injection Analysis, Ellis Horwood, 1987.

    11) K. Stulik, V. Pacakova : Electroanalytical Measurements in Flowing Liquids, Ellis Horwood, 1987.

    12) IUPAC Analytical Chemistry Division : Compendium of Analytical Nomenclature, Definitive Rules, Blackwell, 1987.

    13) E.A.M.F. Dahmen : Electroanalysis, Elsevier, 1986.

    14) E.P. Serjant : Potentiometry and Potentiometric Titrations, Wiley, 1984.

    15) D.B. Hibbert, A.M. James : Dictionary of Electrochemistry, English, 2nd edition, Mc Millan, 1984.

    16)Springer : Analytiker-Taschenbuch, Springer, 1980 ff.


    4. Periodicals

    1) Ion-Selective Electrode Reviews (later : Selective Electrode Reviews), Pergamon Press, U.K., 1979-1992.

    2) Sensors and Actuators B (Chemical), Elsevier, The Netherlands.

    3) Talanta (especially : Chemical Sensor Section), Pergamon/Elsevier, U.K.

    4) The Analyst, The Royal Society of Chemistry, U.K.

    5) Analytical Chemistry, American Chemical Society, U.S.A.

    6) Analytica Chimica Acta, Elsevier, The Netherlands.

    7) Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Germany.

    8) Analytical Letters, Marcel Dekker, N.Y., U.S.A.

    9) Analytical Proceedings, The Royal Society of Chemistry, U.K.

    10)Journal of Analytical Chemistry (English), Moscow, Russian Federation.

    11) Analytical Sciences, Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry, Japan.

    12) Electroanalysis, VCH-Weinheim, Germany.

    13) Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Elsevier, The Netherlands.

    14) Electroanalytical Chemistry, Marcel Dekker, N.Y., U.S.A.

    15) Journal of Flow Injection Analysis (English), Japan.


    5. Recommendations

    For a fully comprehensive treatise we suggest 1.5 and 1.7.

    ISE technology of 1988 and some special applications are described in 1.3.

    The basics about working with ISEs are to be found in 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, 2.13, 2.14, 2.15.

    A rich selection of applications can be found in 2.9, 2.11, 2.13, and 2.14.

    The most important publication about water analysis is 2.2.

    An informative, modern book about analytical chemistry is 3.1.

    The principles of electrochemistry are explained in a very clear modern way in 3.2. We recommend also 3.3 and 3.4.

    The magazine 4.2 presents the newest sensor technology.

    The most important magazine for analytical chemistry is 4.5. Also important are 4.4, 4.6, 4.7 and 4.3.

    Many applications can be found in 4.9.

    CCR/HK - www.nico2000.net
