ELIT Brand Electrochemical Sensors and Computer-based Instrumentation.
Innovative technology at highly competitive prices.

ELIT Ion Analyzers
The Latest Technology for Measuring Ions, pH, Redox....

These versatile and cost effective systems are based on a unique series of Electrode-Computer Interfaces which connect electrochemical sensors directly to any lap-top or desk-top computer. This eliminates the need for a conventional pH/mV/ion meter and permits the use of more sophisticated and efficient procedures for data acquisition, processing, recording and display.

ISE/pH Ion Analyser

The ISE/pH Ion Analyzer can be used with any Ion Selective Electrode, and can be quickly and easily swapped between different ISEs. In addition to the ISE input, the unit also includes a separate dedicated channel to permit simultaneous measurement of pH in the same solution as the ISE measurement. Both channels can be used for monitoring two pH or Redox electrodes simultaneously, with graphical and tabular display. In addition, two temperature sensors can be connected and continuously monitored.
Click Here for enlargement and Explanation

For full details see: ISE/pH Ion Analyzer Operating Manual

Click Here for Multi-Channel versions capable of monitoring and recording up to 8 sensors simultaneously.

ELIT Electrochemical Software:

  • Guides the user reliably through the measurements.

  • Monitors all sensor signals simultaneously and continuously.

  • Allows the operator to input the number of readings used in calculating a moving average, in order to reduce data noise.

  • Simplifies Standard Addition & Sample Addition techniques
    e.g: calculates appropriate concentrations and volumes, and assesses quality of measurements (not available on 4 or 8 Channel versions).
    Click Here for a detailed description of these methods

  • Records the measured calibration and sample data automatically.

  • Displays the measured data in graphs and tables.

  • Allows immediate printing of graphs and tables.

  • Allows the export of data to standard software packages.

  • Eliminates any possibility of operator error in data transfer.

  • Records all analytical details: i.e. date, time, temperature, electrode types,
    electrode serial numbers, sample numbers, name of operator.

  • Increases the efficiency of producing written reports.

  • Supports Good Laboratory Practice effectively.

Features of ISE/pH (2-channel) Ion Analyzer Software
(Click on pictures for enlargement and explanation.)
Options Available
ISE Sample Measurement
Standard Addition Method
pH/Redox Measurement
pH Graph

To fully appreciate the benefits of these systems, please download our Demonstration Software.

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ELIT Brand Electrochemical Sensors and Computer-based Instrumentation.
Innovative technology at highly competitive prices.

ELIT 4 and 8 Channel Ion Analyzers

  • Enable automatic, continuous, simultaneous, monitoring of up to 8 Ion-Selective, pH, and/or Redox electrodes (in any combination) and up to 4 Temperature sensors, by direct connection to any Desk-top or Lap-top computer with Windows Operating System.
Click Here for enlargement and Explanation
  • Up to 100,000 data points can be recorded.

  • Data can be displayed for each channel individually or in any combination of channels.

  • Sophisticated graphics tools permit wide range of data presentation and display.

  • Option to calibrate each channel separately when different electrodes are used, or similar channels simultaneously if the same type of electrode is required in more than one solution at the same time.
For full details see: 4 & 8 Channel Ion Analyser Operating Manual
    Features of 4 & 8 channel Analyzer software
    (Click on pictures for enlargement and explanation.)
    Setup Screen
    Calibration Measurement
    Calibration Summary
    Data Acquisition Screen
    Results Graph
    Results Table

    More Examples of Graphical output....

    To fully appreciate the benefits of these systems, please download our Demonstration Software.

    Modes of Operation:

    All multi-channel analyzers can be used in two configurations:

    1) For measuring in several different vessels simultaneously - each sensor electrode has its own separate reference electrode.

    2) For simultaneous multi-component analysis in a single vessel - all sensors use the same single reference electrode.

    However, it must be noted that there are several factors that must be taken into account before it is possible to say which ions can be measured simultaneously in the same solution using multichannel analysers. The most important point is that ISEs are not ion-specific. All are sensitive to some other ions to some extent. Therefore before designing a multi-channel measuring system it is necessary to know the expected composition of the sample ie: what is the expected concentration range of each of the ions to be measured and of any other ions which might interfere.
    The known interfereing ions for each ISE are given in the specification sheets (accessed via the list of ions on the home page) and a formula is given for calculating the likely magnitude of the interference from each ion. With this knowledge, a detailed study must be made to be sure that none of the target ions significantly interfere with each other and there are no other interferents which would have a significant effect on the result for the measured ions.

    The lower concentration limit must also be considered - the lower figure on the specification sheets is the detection limit but the limit for reasonably accurate measurements is normally several times this figure. Also note that each ISE has a specified pH range and any candidates for simultaneous measurement must all have pH compatibility. Lastly, it may not be possible to make multi-component analysis in an original sample if the total ionic strength of the sample is high - some pretreatment of a sub-sample and standards may be necessary.

    A discussion of these factors can be found here and it is strongly advised that these limitations are fully understood in order to make a realistic assessment of what ions are suitable for simultaneous measurement.

    If pH is required together with ISE then a standard combination pH electrode is used to provide the reference system for all the other mono-electrodes; i.e. no separate reference electrode is required - but note that this may not be suitable for ions where K and Cl are interferents, particularly at low concentrations, because of the possibility of contamination by K and Cl from the pH electrode.

    ELIT 9809 Rechargeable Battery Power Pack
    for ELIT Analysers

    The Rechargeable Battery Power Pack contains high capacity Nickel Metal Hydride batteries.
    The batteries cannot be removed and are charged within the Power Pack by connecting the power supply for the Analyser to the Power Pack.

    The Label on the Battery Power Pack states: Recharge for 12 to 24 hours to get up to 12 hours running time. For charging use the power supply for ELIT Analysers.

    Price List and Ordering

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    Last Update: ccr/9/11/2013